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Dissertations Completed | Modern Culture and Media on a case study of television coverage of Vietnam, of the thesis that the media shifted during the 1960s and 1970s toward an oppositional relation to political .

The Role of Social Media in Political Mobilisation - Institute for On this page you can access some of the best undergraduate dissertations of 2013 What themes and political marketing strategies can be inferred from Barack  .

These MSc dissertations have been selected by the editor and deputy editor of of Mass Media Sentiments on Returns and Volatility in Asset Markets: Evidence .

A selection of media dissertation examples for you to use and study I propose to conduct a research on the topic- “A cross-cultural comparison of privacy and .

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Past Dissertations | Department of Cinema and Media Studies Dissertation Approved: Relevant U S media literacy studies and the gap this study fills Cortes (2000) describes the effect of media on individual s.

Media LSE MSc Dissertation Series - Media LSE Working Paper Jun 30, 2014 Melissa Meade, a Ph D candidate in the Media and Communication of media studies and production, who is on Meade s dissertation .

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